香港理工大学,简称“理大”(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,缩写“PolyU”),是一所既充满活力又拥有骄人历史的大学。理大毕业生的实用价值,更被雇主视为同侪之冠。大学在追求卓越学术水平的同时,不断推陈出新,提供富实用性专业课程、培训、应用研究及专业顾问等服务,支持工商企业长远发展。理大位于红磡海底隧道毗邻,占地约九万三千五百平方米。提供课程均能切合工商界及社会人士的需求。大学培育拥有专业知识和独立思考,具备良好沟通技巧及广阔视野的首选毕业生。让学生可在选择学科和学习进度方面更具灵活性。
理大毗邻红磡海底隧道,占地约九万三千五百平方米。过去十年间,理大经历了大规模又迅速的扩展。理大现为全港学生人数最多的大学教育资助委员会(University Grants Committee)资助的大学。理大开办的专业多元化,包括学士、硕士、博士、副学士、高级文凭等课程。
开设专业 (分本科,硕士,Ph.D)理工大学
Accountancy - MSc會計學理學碩士學位Applied Mathematics for Science and Technology (Actuarial and Investment Science) - MSc/PgD科技應用數學理學碩士學位/深造文憑(精算及投資科學)(Full-time)
Applied Mathematics for Science and Technology (Decision Science) - MSc/PgD科技應用數學理學碩士學位/深造文憑(決策科學)
Automotive Engineering Design - MSc汽車工程設計理學碩士學位(Mixed-mode)
Biomedical Engineering - MSc生物醫學工程理學碩士學位(Mixed-mode)
Building Services Engineering MSc屋宇設備工程學理學碩士學位(Mixed-mode)
Building Services Engineering
Business Administration - DBA工商管理博士學位
Business Administration - Master工商管理碩士學位
China Business Studies - MSc中國商貿管理理學碩士學位
Chinese Culture - MA中國文化文學碩士學位(Mixed-mode)
Chinese Language and Literature - MA/PgD中國語文文學碩士學位/深造文憑(Mixed-mode)
Chinese Linguistics - MA中國語言學文學碩士學位(Mixed-mode)
Civil Engineering - MSc土木工程學理學碩士學位(Mixed-mode)
Construction Law and Dispute Resolution - MSc/PgD建築法及爭議解決學理學碩士學位/深造文憑(Mixed-mode)
Construction and Real Estate - MSc/PgD建築及房地產學理學碩士學位/深造文憑(Mixed-mode)
Corporate Finance - Master企業金融學碩士學位
Corporate Governance - Master公司管治碩士學位
Design - Master設計學碩士學位(Mixed-mode)
E-Commerce - MSc電子商貿理學碩士學位(Mixed-mode)
Educational and Child Psychology - Master教育及兒童心理學碩士學位(Government-funded and mixed-mode) (This programme admits students in alternate years and will invite applications for admission in 2011-12)
Electrical Engineering - MSc電機工程學理學碩士學位(Mixed-mode)
Electronic and Information Engineering - MSc電子及資訊工程學理學碩士學位(Mixed-mode)
Engineering Business Management or Manufacturing Systems Engineering - MSc/PgD工程商業管理理學碩士學位/深造文憑或製造系統工程理學碩士學位/深造文憑(Mixed-mode) (Offered under the Integrated Graduate Development Scheme) For application arrangements, please refer to
Engineering Doctorate - EngD工程學博士學位(Mixed-mode)
English Language Arts - MA英語語言藝術文學碩士學位(Mixed-mode)
English Language Studies - MA英語語言文學碩士學位(Mixed-mode)
English Language Teaching - MA英語教學文學碩士學位(Mixed-mode)
English for the Professions - MA專業英語文學碩士學位(Mixed-mode)
Environmental Management and Engineering - MSc環境管理及工程學理學碩士學位(Mixed-mode)
Facility Management - MSc設施管理理學碩士學位(Mixed-mode)
Fashion and Textile Design - MA服裝及紡織品設計文學碩士學位(Full-time)
Fashion and Textiles - MA服裝及紡織文學碩士學位(Mixed-mode)
Finance (Investment Management) - Master財務學碩士學位(投資管理)
Finance (Investment Management) - Master財務學碩士學位(投資管理)(Full-time)
Finance (Wealth Management) - Master財務學碩士學位(財富管理)
Fire and Safety Engineering - MSc/PgD消防及安全工程學理學碩士學位/深造文憑(Mixed-mode)
Geomatics (Geographic Information Systems) - MSc/PgD測繪及地理資訊學理學碩士學位/深造文憑(地理資訊)(Mixed-mode)
Geomatics (Surveying) - MSc/PgD測繪及地理資訊學理學碩士學位/深造文憑(測量)(Mixed-mode)
Global Supply Chain Management - MSc/PgD全球供應鏈管理理學碩士學位/深造文憑
Guidance and Counselling - MA諮商與輔導文學碩士學位(Mixed-mode)
Health Care (Infection Control) - MSc醫療護理學理學碩士學位(感染控制)(Mixed-mode)
Health Informatics - MSc健康信息科技理學碩士學位(Mixed-mode)
Health Science - DHSc醫療科學博士學位(Doctor of Health Science) (Mixed-mode)
Hotel and Tourism Management - Doctor酒店及旅遊管理博士學位(Mixed-mode)
Industrial Logistics Systems - MSc工業物流系統理學碩士學位(Mixed-mode)
Information Systems - MSc資訊系統理學碩士學位(Mixed-mode)
Information Technology - MSc資訊科技理學碩士學位(Mixed-mode)
Integrated Engineering - MSc綜合工程學理學碩士學位(Mixed-mode)
International Hospitality Management - MSc/PgD國際酒店管理理學碩士學位/深造文憑(Mixed-mode)
International Shipping and Transport Logistics - MSc/PgD國際航運及物流管理理學碩士學位/深造文憑(Mixed-mode)
International Shipping and Transport Logistics - MSc國際航運及物流管理理學碩士學位(Full-time)
International Tourism and Convention Management - MSc/PgD國際旅遊及會展管理理學碩士學位/深造文憑(Mixed-mode)
Japanese Studies for the Professions - MA專業日語文學碩士學位(Mixed-mode)
Knowledge Management - MSc知識管理理學碩士學位(Mixed-mode)
Management (Human Resource Management) - MSc管理學理學碩士學位(人力資源管理)
Management (Operations Management) - MSc管理學理學碩士學位(營運管理)
Management (Public Sector Management) - MSc管理學理學碩士學位(公營機構管理)
Manipulative Physiotherapy - MSc手法物理治療理學碩士學位(Mixed-mode) (This programme admits students in alternate years and will invite applications for admission in 2011-12)
Marketing Management - MSc市場營銷管理理學碩士學位
Mechanical Engineering - MSc機械工程學理學碩士學位(Mixed-mode)
Medical Imaging and Radiation Science - MSc醫學影像及放射科學理學碩士學位(Mixed-mode)
Medical Laboratory Science - MSc醫療化驗科學理學碩士學位(Mixed-mode)
Multimedia and Entertainment Technology - MSc多媒體科藝理學碩士學位(Mixed-mode)
Neurological Physiotherapy - MSc神經復康物理治療理學碩士學位(Mixed-mode) (This programme admits students in alternate years and will not invite applications for admission in 2011-12)
Nursing - MSc護理學理學碩士學位
Nursing - Master護理學碩士學位(Full-time)
Occupational Therapy - MSc職業治療學理學碩士學位(Mixed-mode) (This programme admits students in alternate years and will invite applications for admission in 2011-12)
Occupational Therapy - Master職業治療學碩士學位(Full-time) (This programme is offered subject to approval)
Optometry - MSc眼科視光學理學碩士學位(Mixed-mode)
Physiotherapy - Master物理治療學碩士學位(Full-time) (This programme is offered subject to approval)
Professional Accounting - Master/PgD專業會計碩士學位/深造文憑
Project Management - MSc/PgD項目管理理學碩士學位/深造文憑(Mixed-mode)
Quality Management - MSc品質管理理學碩士學位
Rehabilitation Sciences - MSc康復科學理學碩士學位(Mixed-mode) (This programme admits students in alternate years and will not invite applications for admission in 2011-12)
Rehabilitation of People with Developmental Disabilities - MSc發展障礙人士復康理學碩士學位(Mixed-mode) (This programme admits students in alternate years and will not invite applications for admission in 2011-12)
Social Policy and Social Development - MA社會政策及社會發展文學碩士學位(Mixed-mode)
Social Work - Master社會工作碩士學位
Social Work - Doctor社會工作博士學位(Mixed-mode) (This programme admits students in alternate years and will not invite applications for admission in 2011-12)
Social Work (Family-centred Practice and Family Therapy) - MA社會工作文學碩士學位(家庭本位實務及家庭治療)(Mixed-mode)
Social Work (Mental Health) - MA社會工作文學碩士學位(精神健康)(Mixed-mode) (This programme admits students in alternate years and will invite applications for admission in 2011-12)
Software Technology - MSc軟件科技理學碩士學位(Mixed-mode)
Sports Physiotherapy - MSc運動物理治療理學碩士學位(Mixed-mode) (This programm admits students in alternate years and will invite applications for admission in 2011-12)
Sustainable Urban Development - MSc可持續城市發展學理學碩士學位(Mixed-mode)
Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language - MA對外漢語教學文學碩士學位(Mixed-mode)
Technology Management - MSc科技管理理學碩士學位(Mixed-mode)
Translating and Interpreting - MA翻譯與傳譯文學碩士學位(Mixed-mode)